By Micheal Volker, Executive Director – For many of us this is the best time of year with so much to do – gardening, walking, hiking, biking, or just sitting in a park. However, with climate change, summers are also a time to be cautious and take care of ourselves.

We have two distinct threats to our health during the summer months. Smoke from forest fires can greatly compromise air quality and depending on the level of contaminants, the air itself can become hazardous, especially for anyone with respiratory challenges. The second significant challenge is the increase in temperature and the potential for a “heat dome” – a concept that has gained attention over the past few years. A heat dome refers to a prolonged period of extremely hot and stagnant weather conditions that traps heat under a high-pressure system. By taking proactive measures, you can protect yourself from the risks associated with extreme heat. Stay informed, create a cool indoor environment, stay hydrated, limit outdoor activities, and watch out for signs of heat-related illnesses.

411 Seniors Centre was recently approved for an Emergency Preparedness and Response grant so we will have resources available for those that need assistance. We want to let you know that in hazardous weather, 411 Seniors Centre will be open for you to come and cool off. We’ll have cooling supplies, activities, and the benefit of staff and volunteers to help you.
We will begin an outreach program in mid-June of contacting folks in our database, (we might already have reached you). If not, you can call us at 604-874-8171 or email For more information on what 411 is doing, visit our website – we have a section on how to “Beat the Heat”.

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411 Newsletter – July 2023

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