411 Seniors Room Rentals
Multi-Purpose East

Multi-Purpose West

At 1050 ft2 both multi-purpose rooms combined serve as the perfect opportunity to host big gatherings such as birthday parties, convention fares, movie day, workshops, and more. Also, it is available to rent during the weekends and after operation hours. Capacity 100 people.
At 457 ft2 the multi-purpose room is great for small gatherings, board activities and more. Also, it is available to rent during the weekends and after operation hours. Capacity 30 people.
At 627 ft2 the multi-purpose room has room for a few more activities such as table tennis, music practice, and more. Also, it is available to rent during the weekends and after operation hours. Capacity 50 people.
Multi-Purpose Combined

Boardroom Large

At 244 ft2 the large boardroom can help provide the space for board meetings, discussions, planning, and more. Also, it is available to rent during the weekends and after operation hours. Capacity 15 people.
Boardroom Small

At 154 ft2 the small boardroom is great to have one-on-one meetings, or personal space to due work and other activities. Also, it is available to rent during the weekends and after operation hours. Capacity 7 people.

At 293 ft2 the space can allow small classes to happen, space for health consultations, and more. Also, it is available to rent during the weekends and after operation hours. Capacity 12 people.

The kitchen has state-of-the-art equipment and is organized to help meet your needs for fairs, parties, catering, and more. Also, it is available to rent during the weekends and after operation hours. Capacity 8 people.

At 667 ft2 (about twice the area of a parking space) the lounge/theatre grants the opportunity to host fairs, celebrations, events, and more. Also, it is available to rent during the weekends and after operation hours. Capacity 60 people.
Office/Consultation Room

At 100 ft2 (about the area of an apartment bedroom) the office/consultation room aids in giving personal space to do work. Also, it is available to rent during the weekends and after operation hours. Capacity 3 people.
411 Room Rental Agreement
This Rental Agreement (“Agreement”) is made between 411 Seniors Centre Society (411) and (“Renter”). 411 and Renter are collectively referred to in this Agreement as the “Parties”. This Agreement shall be effective as of the date executed by 411, as set forth below.
For the covenants contained herein, and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows:
- All organizations, groups or individuals renting from 411 must subscribe to the BC Human Rights Code (Code) and will observe all its provisions in its use of these facilities. Meetings will not stereotype or discriminate on grounds prohibited under the BC Human Rights Code and 411’s Code of Conduct (posted in the building or available upon request). No events or meetings will be permitted it the activities promote or preach hatred or derision of any group covered by the Code.
- The renter shall be responsible for the conduct and supervision of all persons admitted to the meeting space and shall see that regulations are strictly adhered to. The renter will be responsible for payment of all damage costs arising from the misuse of property. Federal, Provincial and Municipal laws, by-laws and fire regulations shall always be observed.
- Renters using the Centre after hours must ensure the front door is locked at all times. This means someone must be present at the reception area to admit participants. If items from the Centre are stolen during after – hours use of the Centre, the Renter will be held responsible.
- The renter is responsible for returning the room(s) to the state that they found them in.
- No Renter will store any materials in the room between bookings without previous written permission in advance.
- Renters are not permitted to enter any offices/rooms other than the rental room and designated washrooms. – As per initial discussion, we will be able to make use of the lounge area for seating and occasional break-out sessions, provided no one else is using the space.
- Renters may use the sink located in the coffee lounge for making coffee and tea (including use of the kettle and small coffee pot).
- If the Renter has not arranged to use 411’s beverage service the Renters are allowed to bring their own refreshments, coffee, sugar, cups, utensils, serviettes etc.
- Use of 411’s property such as photocopier, phones or other electronic equipment is prohibited, this also applies to other office supplies: staplers, etc.
- Renters must provide their own supplies (flip chart, paper, pens, computers, projector, sound system refreshments, and any other materials that will be used by the renter and their guests) or arrange with 411 to provide them.
- Renters using a room during business hours when the centre is operating cannot rely on 411’s receptionist nor staff to perform any hosting activity for the Renter, such as: registering and leading people to the booked room, answering calls, messaging taking or providing information.
- Renters using a room after hours must ensure lights and the kettle/coffee pot they have used are turned off, any garbage generated is removed from washrooms and rented room and the door’s light has turned blue before they walk away.
- Renters are not allowed to use any disposable cutlery, garbage bags, coffee supplies, etc; belonging to 411 Seniors Centre Society.
- Cancellations must be received in writing 7 days prior to the booked date. Those received within 7 days will be subject to a $30 cancellation fee.
- 411 secure rentals on a weekly basis unless facilities are unusable. 411 Seniors Centre Society reserves the right to cancel any bookings without notice if the facilities are made unusable by conditions beyond its control.
- The 411 Seniors Centre may at any time whatsoever, and regardless of whether fees have been paid, withdraw the use of the room and facilities if it is of the opinion the use to which the room is to be or is being used not in the best interest of the 411 Seniors Centre Society or the community. The decision of the 411 Seniors Centre shall be final regarding the use of its facilities.
- A deposit of 50% of the first day’s booking will be required to reserve a date.
- Bookings will be taken on a first come, first serve basis. Full payment must be paid the day that the room has been booked or the booking will be forfeited.
- Rates will be reviewed prior to each season (according to date ranges outlined below).
- If after hours rental, a key fob for front door entry will be issued and a deposit of $50 will be required upon booking. Deposit will be refunded on return of the key the day after the event.