Please welcome Jennifer De Sa, our featured writer, in the first of her three part series regarding seniors and isolation:

With the holiday season quickly approaching, many of us anticipate spending time with our loved ones. However, it’s worth noting that the winter season can be a lonely time for many seniors. According to a 2021 article by the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, seniors are at a higher risk of feeling isolated and lonely around the holidays, so it’s essential to pay extra attention to seniors’ needs during this time.

Seniors are more susceptible to loneliness and social isolation due to factors such as living alone, chronic illness, and loss of family or friends. These factors can create barriers to social interaction and impact seniors’ health, leading to increased risks of developing dementia, heart disease, and stroke in elders over 50.

Maintaining social connections is crucial to the mental and emotional well-being of seniors. There are ways to overcome this. Seniors can stay connected through:

  • Group classes  – art, book clubs, languages
  • Socializing – on social media, in the centre, events
  • Calling or video chatting with their loved ones
  • Participating in senior programs, activities and volunteering.


At 411 Seniors, we provide multiple ways for seniors to stay informed, connected and engaged within our community. We offer a range of activity classes, both physical and mental:   most popular – Tai Chi,  MahJong,  dance and chair yoga classes,  brain teasers and even Ukulele. You are also welcome to drop in to our regular coffee social groups and our famous lunches, where seniors can enjoy a variety of delicious soups, sandwiches, casseroles, and other tasty treats.

Benefits of social interaction:

  • Higher levels of physical activity
  • Positivity in mental health and mood
  • Promoting meaningful connections and relationships
  • Encouraging healthy behaviours and coping skills

Please visit our website below to see our upcoming activities and social events at 411 Seniors. We look forward to seeing you at our next event and stay tuned for the next article in this series.


Phone Number: (604) 684-8171


Make Social Interaction a Priority for Seniors

The Mental Health Benefits of Socializing for Seniors

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