411 Seniors Centre Community Research Hub

Past and Ongoing


COAR: A Collective of Older Adult Researchers

2023 – Present

As an advocacy organization, 411 Seniors Centre Society aims to promote the equal participation of seniors in the research process. To achieve this goal, 411 has partnered with researchers, leveraging their expertise to involve older adults as co-researchers rather than just participants.

Working together with researchers from Simon Fraser University’s (SFU) Science and Technology for Aging Research (STAR) Institute, we have provided practical training opportunities for members in research methods.

See Seniors as Co-Researchers section on our Community Research Hub page for more details on the 411 Seniors-SFU COAR initiative.

411 Seniors Centre Society


Better Connected

2023 – Present

Better Connected project is a community-based participatory research project that collaboratively designs, constructs, and implements programs at 411 Seniors aimed at addressing key factors contributing to the digital divide. The project aims to gain an in-depth understanding of the challenges faced by older adults living in a digitally connected world and to investigate the role that senior centers can play in helping them overcome these challenges.

411 Seniors Centre Society


Navigation and Peer Support Program

2022 – Present

411 Seniors is the provincial lead on the Navigation and Peer Support Program sponsored by United Way Healthy Aging, which focuses on providing localized system navigation and peer support services for low-income older adults with higher needs who need one-on-one assistance to access support services and government benefits at the local, provincial, and national level.

411 Seniors Centre Society


Role of Senior Centres to Promote Health and Wellbeing of Seniors

2021 – 2023

Michael Smith Health Research BC Convening and Collaborating (C2) Program funded project on The Role of Senior Centres in Promoting the Health and Wellbeing of Older Adults: Co-Developing a Research Agenda with Vancouver Senior Centres.

411 Seniors Centre Society


LEADS: Learning, Equity, Aging, Digital for Seniors

2019 – Present

411 Seniors has partnered with Simon Fraser University’s Science and Technology for Aging Research (STAR) Institute since 2018 on numerous community-based projects with the goal of enhance local information and referral services to better connect older adults and caregivers to the resources in their community. STAR follows 411’s lead in identifying community needs, and projects are determined from there. Click HERE to learn more.

411 Seniors Centre Society


Powered by Age Podcast

2015 – 2020

Powered by Age by 411 Seniors Centre Society is a unique podcast for older adults, by older adults, that tackles issues and topics pertinent to older adults in modern life, whilst also giving them a foothold in the world of technology and most importantly lets their voices be heard. The podcast exemplifies a dream envisioned by past 411 Seniors Executive Director, Leslie Remund, in her quest to expand older adults’ access to technology and build their skill and confidence in using different technological tools.

411 Seniors Centre Society


Additional Resources