Past and Ongoing

COAR: A Collective of Older Adult Researchers
2023 – Present
As an advocacy organization, 411 Seniors Centre Society aims to promote the equal participation of seniors in the research process. To achieve this goal, 411 has partnered with researchers, leveraging their expertise to involve older adults as co-researchers rather than just participants.
Working together with researchers from Simon Fraser University’s (SFU) Science and Technology for Aging Research (STAR) Institute, we have provided practical training opportunities for members in research methods.
See Seniors as Co-Researchers section on our Community Research Hub page for more details on the 411 Seniors-SFU COAR initiative.
Web Platform
Part of the COAR project has involved creating 411 Seniors’ Community Research Hub platform within the broader 411 Seniors website.
Collective of Older Adult Researchers (COAR) Theory of Change
To be added once complete. A Theory of Change is a comprehensive description and illustration of how and why a desired change is expected to happen in a particular context.
Collective of Older Adult Researchers (COAR) Tool-kit
To be added once complete.
Better Connected
2023 – Present
Better Connected project is a community-based participatory research project that collaboratively designs, constructs, and implements programs at 411 Seniors aimed at addressing key factors contributing to the digital divide. The project aims to gain an in-depth understanding of the challenges faced by older adults living in a digitally connected world and to investigate the role that senior centers can play in helping them overcome these challenges.
Bridging the Digital Health Care Gap: Promoting Equitable Access to Digital Healthcare for Urban-Dwelling Older People
411 Seniors & SFU STAR Institute presented conference poster at the West Coast Conference on Aging in May 2024 in Vancouver.
Click HERE to view poster.
Navigation and Peer Support Program
2022 – Present
411 Seniors is the provincial lead on the Navigation and Peer Support Program sponsored by United Way Healthy Aging, which focuses on providing localized system navigation and peer support services for low-income older adults with higher needs who need one-on-one assistance to access support services and government benefits at the local, provincial, and national level.
Navigation Peer Support Program Pamphlet
411 Seniors and United Way Healthy Aging with support from SFU STAR, as part of United Way Healthy Aging’s Navigation Peer Support Program, developed a pamphlet with information on a wide variety of benefits that older adults in BC have access to, for example Canadian Pension Plan, Old Age Security, Guaranteed Income Supplement, Fair Pharmacare, and more.
Click HERE to view pamphlet.
Navigation Peer Support Program Infographic
411 Seniors and United Way Healthy Aging with support from SFU STAR, as part of United Way Healthy Aging’s Navigation Peer Support Program, created an infographic for 411 Seniors Information and Referral program and peer volunteers and staff that includes questions to ask older adults to find out what benefits they already have and which ones they need.
Click HERE to view infographic.
Asset Mapping – Inventory of I&R Services for Seniors Across British Columbia
411 Seniors and United Way Healthy Aging, as part of United Way Healthy Aging’s Navigation Peer Support Program, produced a report and inventory that identifies organizations that offer information and referral services and activities to help older adults navigate the digital realm. The report serves as a reference as decisions and resources are made to enhance information and referral resources across the province.
Click HERE to view report.
Role of Senior Centres to Promote Health and Wellbeing of Seniors
2021 – 2023
Michael Smith Health Research BC Convening and Collaborating (C2) Program funded project on The Role of Senior Centres in Promoting the Health and Wellbeing of Older Adults: Co-Developing a Research Agenda with Vancouver Senior Centres.
Independent Senior Centres: Connecting and Supporting Older Adults in Metro Vancouver
SFU Gerontology Research Centre report published in June 2023 of which 411 Seniors was a key contributor of. The research was supported through funding from Michael Smith Health Research BC.
Click HERE to view report.
LEADS: Learning, Equity, Aging, Digital for Seniors
2019 – Present
411 Seniors has partnered with Simon Fraser University’s Science and Technology for Aging Research (STAR) Institute since 2018 on numerous community-based projects with the goal of enhance local information and referral services to better connect older adults and caregivers to the resources in their community. STAR follows 411’s lead in identifying community needs, and projects are determined from there. Click HERE to learn more.
In Community – Information and Referral Services for Seniors in British Columbia
411 Seniors Centre and SFU STAR co-supervised a Masters practicum student in 2019 and co-published a report on information and referral services for seniors in British Columbia. The development of the report was in direct response to the growing need for a comprehensive review of existing information and referral services for seniors in B.C. in an attempt to capture the state of senior-focused service provision in B.C.
Click HERE to view report.
411 Seniors Centre Society Information and Referral Services Program Volunteer Feedback
411 Seniors and SFU STAR developed a case study to evaluate 411 Seniors’ Information and Referral Services (I&R) volunteer program in order to improve its services and identify best practice. A report based off of the case study was developed and circulated to I&R volunteers and staff in order to implement changes to the program and highlight best practice.
Click HERE to view report.
Why Do Some Older Adults Have Less Access to Information and Community Technology
With the support of 411 Seniors, then SFU STAR and UBC School of Public Policy and Global Affairs Masters student Karen Lok Yi Wong produced a policy brief that explores why some older adults have challenges accessing ICT and provides three policy recommendations. This brief was informed by 411 and SFU STAR’s B.C. study from 2019 to 2021 which explored access inequities to technology and community resources.
Click HERE to view policy brief.
Responding to the BC Vaccine Card Rollout
411 Seniors and SFU STAR conducted a rapid evaluation of the COVID-19 vaccine card rollout uptake among members of 411 Seniors in 2021.
Click HERE to view rapid evaluation infographic.
Powered by Age Podcast
2015 – 2020
Powered by Age by 411 Seniors Centre Society is a unique podcast for older adults, by older adults, that tackles issues and topics pertinent to older adults in modern life, whilst also giving them a foothold in the world of technology and most importantly lets their voices be heard. The podcast exemplifies a dream envisioned by past 411 Seniors Executive Director, Leslie Remund, in her quest to expand older adults’ access to technology and build their skill and confidence in using different technological tools.
Powered by Age podcast episodes
Click HERE to view podcast episodes.
Additional Resources
411 Seniors Community-Based Participatory Action Research
411 Seniors Centre is committed to community-based participatory action research and outlines it’s approach to research in below poster.
Click HERE to view poster.
411 Seniors Information and Referral Resource Infographics
SAFER Infographic
Information on SAFER (Shelter Aid For Elderly Residents), a financial rental subsidy program for low to moderate income older adults. View infographic HERE.
BC Housing Infographic
Tips for what to do after applying to BC Housing, specifically older adult subsidized housing. View infographic HERE.
Transitioning from PWD to CPP, OAS and GIS Infographic
Tips for people transitioning from the Provincial Disability Program to the Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security, and the Guaranteed Income Supplement. View infographic HERE.
Extreme Heat: How to Stay Cool During a Heat Wave Infographic
Information on what an extreme heat emergency is, tips on how to stay cool during a heat wave and information about 411’s extreme heat check-in plan program. View infographic HERE.