Times Colonist, July 2, 2022: A new report looks at why Canada’s aging population is at increased risk of experiencing social isolation and loneliness — and what some solutions might be.

Canada is facing a loneliness crisis with its aging population, states a new report from the National Institute on Ageing (NIA).

And the number of people impacted is on the rise, says Isobel Mackenzie, B.C.’s Seniors Advocate.

“We all need that human connection and a sense of belonging,” she says.

Social isolation and loneliness are often used interchangeably, but they are not the same.

The NIA report emphasizes that social isolation is “a measurable deficiency in the number of social relationships that a person has” while loneliness is “an unpleasant sensation felt when a person’s social relationships are lacking in quality and/or quantity compared to what they desire.”

In short, social isolation is measurable and objective, whereas loneliness is a subjective experience.

Read More: https://www.timescolonist.com/life/canada-at-growing-risk-of-a-loneliness-crisis-report-finds-5519672

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