This wonderful group activity was in full swing before the COVID pandemic started in 2020 and has managed to continue its activities throughout by meeting on Zoom and, more recently, starting to get together in person. They are looking forward to being in full swing in the new centre in the near future.  Stay tuned! If you are interested in joining, please let Monica Murgai at 411 Centre know.

The latest news is that the group received four free tickets to the performance of George Hinchliffe’s Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre on 19 April. Ann Merrick, Joan Thomsen, George Cloud, and River Glen were the lucky 411 members who will attend this evening concert of funny, virtuosic, foot-stomping obituary of rock-n-roll featuring the “bonsai guitar” and a menagerie of voices (see )

The tickets were donated by the Vancouver Recital Society ( and 411 thanks Leila Getz and the staff for their generosity.

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