(by Michael Volker) We are still basking in the afterglow of our Grand Opening.   Not only did we have about 100 more people than expected; I estimate the numbers of people that went through the Centre that day to be over 300 we also were able to handle the crowds.   There is a lot of good news to be taken from the event.  Most importantly, I think we were able to provide a positive experience for our members and their guests. Secondly, I feel we impressed the local politicians that attended. On this note: I have sent emails to 3 Councillors and MLA Michael Lee each of them expressed an interest in having a follow-up meeting. It is also important to recognize the incredible help we had from volunteers and those that managed the volunteers.  It was wonderful to see how the 411 team came together to get everything done, including all the food preparation, set-up, tear-down, the decorations, entertainment, the speeches and everything else that went into a great day.  The staff and I have already begun to discuss doing the same thing next year as an Open House.

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