By Marion Pollack – The 411 Seniors Centre Society held a successful Annual General Meeting on June 22 2023. Thanks to all who attended and who worked so hard to make this meeting happen. This was the first 411 AGM in our beautiful new Centre and we thanked those whose effort, determination, and tenacity allowed 3502 Fraser to be built and to be a place for all of us.
The meeting voted to reinstate the $10 per year membership fee. This fee was waived during the pandemic.

The need for 411 to engage in more fundraising was emphasized throughout all reports. If you can donate any amount of money, please think about donating to the 411 Seniors Centre.

A number of new Board members were elected. These are: Jane Belanger, Gaye Ferguso, Lyn Lennig, Edwin Padilla. Welcome to all the new Board members and thanks for your willingness to serve.

Four great 411 members were given Honorary Lifetime Memberships, joining a group of pretty amazing people. The new Honorary Lifetime members are:

  • Stuart Alcock: past 411 President and long time Board member. He worked tirelessly to ensure that our new building happened.
  • David Handelman: past 411 Vice President and long time Board Chair of the program committee. David worked long and hard to gain access to low cost phones and internet for low income seniors.
  • Maggie Taylor: long time 411 volunteer and for the past three years our accountant. Her attention to finance and details was crucial to our new centre opening.
  • Gwen Willox: long time 411 Board member and former Treasurer. She has led the Board on finance issues and has always emphasized the need for fundraising.

Long time Board President, Marion Pollack has finished her term as President, but is still a Board member. Marika Kocaba, is the new President of the 411 Seniors Centre Society. Jeannie Kamins, who is leaving the Board was also thanked for her service. The recent AGM showed that 411 is a place where seniors help seniors and where seniors are informed and connected.

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