The one-time grocery rebate announced in the 2023 federal budget will land in bank accounts of eligible Canadians starting on July 5, 2023. Eligible seniors will receive $225 on average. The rebate will be delivered or deposited automatically with the July GST credit payment and there is no need to apply.

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8 Comments. Leave new

  • I would like to know why I did not receive the grocery rebate? I am a low income senior and did file my 2020 and 2021 taxes.

  • Janet Marie May
    Monday, 10 July 4:46 pm

    Good morning. I am 72 and did NOT receive my grocery rebate. Filed taxes 2021 and have met all requirements. Live in Alberta. HELP !!!

  • Archie and Johanne Courtoreille
    Tuesday, 18 July 3:22 pm

    Why did we not get the grocery rebate?

  • Tannis Bradley
    Thursday, 20 July 6:16 pm

    Y husband and I are senior citizens residing in B.C. I thought we would get the recent Grocery Rebate but did not. Is there a number I could call to see why we didn’t get the rebate?

  • My husband is on CPP old age and I am on CPP disability and we did not receive the grocery rebate. Who do I contact about this?

    • Monica Murguia
      Monday, 31 July 2:36 pm

      Thank you Susan for connecting with us, you will receive an e mail from us answering your concern.

      Best regards
      411 Seniors Centre Society

  • Would you send the rebate by text message ? It says Government of Canada Grocery Rebate but I am sceptical about opening my bank account to deposit it.


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