On July 25th we finally got art on the walls. For the first exhibition the committee agreed to choose from the art that already belonged to the centre. We went through the art and put up what was available. But this is not a permanent selection.

The way the hanging will be is that some of the art will be permanent and some, (in the lounge area) will house the gallery space and will change either monthly or bi-monthly. And that is why we have this notice.

Are you a member of 411. Are you an artist? Are you an amateur who makes art and would like others to see it? Do you sew items that could go on a wall, say quilts or clothes? Do you make sculptures that could sit on the ledges or free-standing sculptures? WE WANT TO SHOW YOUR WORK!

To apply for a show, contact the art committee at info@411seniors.org and we will arrange a visit of our committee and we will find a way to show your work.

Art Committee

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