411 is currently operating in a smaller scale at Glad Tidings church. We are located at 3456 Fraser St.
The operating hours are Monday to Thursday from 9:00 AM to 4:00PM.
The I and R program is up and running!
To connect with one of 411’s I and R volunteers is advised to make an appointment by calling 604 684 8171.
The offering of services is over the phone consultations and/or referrals.
Among the topics that I and R volunteers help with are: Filing of taxes, OAS and GIS applications, housing matters and referrals to different community services.
How to get to 411
The bus service on Fraser st. is the number 8 (Southbound), it stops South on 19th street. The bus No. 8 Fraser St. (Northbound) stop is on 19th st, from this stop walk North on the east side of Fraser St. until you see the 411 Seniors Centre Society sign.
We are in the process of getting to know the community we serve we will update you of any of the services that are becoming available.
411’s Website