“What if, today, we were grateful for everything?” – Charlie Brown

411 had the opportunity to host our first wonderful sit down Thanksgiving lunch this past Friday – complete with turkey, potatoes and veggies,  and topped off with a yummy piece of pumpkin pie!   Thank you to all the volunteers/members who cooked for the appreciative crowd,  thank you to the volunteers and board members who served each plate and then collected the dishes and thank you for the lovely entertainment of Jane Belanger’s ukulele group, the Sunshine Seniors.  We even had stand up comedians as an extra treat.  And thank you to Mike Klassen, our City Councillor, for joining us to say a few words and share a meal with us at the 411 Seniors Centre Society.

Wishing all the 411 Seniors Centre Society members, volunteers and staff a joyful and plentiful thanksgiving holiday!

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