If you are a member of 411 and are 55 years or better – we want you on Board!

It’s been a long and hard road for us to get to where we are today. And where we are – is ready to begin the most exciting chapter in the life of our newly appointed 411 Senior Centre at 3502 Fraser St.  We take pride in our accomplishments as we recognize the opportunities available for us to do great things for seniors in our community and for the larger community of seniors in B.C.

If you are interested in being part of an enthusiastic team that is focussed on making seniors’ lives better, consider becoming a new Board member.   NB Applications need to be submitted by April 30, 2023.

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Home Support Services – We Must Do Better (Feb 2023)

1 Comment. Leave new

  • I am a healthy 73 yr old male, interested in participating with 411 & previously have been involved for 13 yrs with the non -Profit “West Coast Mental Health Network”, which had it’s office in several locations downtown, and I can provide a reference from a former Executive Director. Do you have a thumbnail “job description” of the Board Position as you see it in your organization.


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