written by one of our wonderful volunteers, Cheng-En Lee 

Have you experienced ageism?

Ageism is an age-based stereotype, prejudice, or discrimination.  It appears to be more
subtle than racism and sexism, existing in a manner that even those who experience it
may not readily recognize.

Common examples of ageism include birthday cards that portray negative images
regarding aging, dramas making jokes of aging, and even news describing the aging
population as a crisis. Most seriously, ageism in the health care system could influence
older adults’ rights to be correctly diagnosed and treated.

Ageism can sometimes be internalized, prompting individuals to believe that they are
incapable of doing tasks or activities they actually can. In other words, ageism limits
people’s imagination of their potential, especially retired older adults who are not
obligated to work anymore.

What are your thoughts on ageism? How do you think we can change people’s minds?
Please share your thoughts and opinions.

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1 Comment. Leave new

  • Well said, thank you Cheng-En Lee! Seniors can & should be more respected *and better served. If we join together & speak with one voice, we can speak more loudly. Becoming a member of 411 Seniors seems like a good start…


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